Welcome to Sixth Form at Five Ways
KEFW Year 11 Students
Students who have taken their exams at KEFW - Exam results will be sent by email, students can also pick their GCSE results from school between 09.00hrs – 10.00hrs on 22nd August 2024.
It is vitally important that you confirm your acceptance of a place in Five Ways Sixth Form using the link below by 10.30hrs today, the form will close after this time.
Our Sixth Formers have exclusive use of the impressive Chowen Sixth Form Study Centre. This building consists of:
Three Teaching Classrooms
Computer Suite
Resource Library
Large study room
Access to Pavilion during study periods
Common Room
Its very own ‘Michael’s Cafe’
Disabled Access & Toilet Facilities
The role of the Sixth Form Team is to ensure that students thoroughly enjoy their education and the opportunities provided here at Five Ways; and to help them to achieve their potential whilst supporting them in all that they do.
“Within a friendly, caring and stimulating community Five Ways will educate able young people from all backgrounds and prepare them for life.”
Our two aims for all Sixth Form Students:
Every student has the most positive experience possible during their two years in Sixth Form.
Every student achieves their destination of choice at university, apprenticeship, employment or gap year.
The curriculum in Sixth Form is a continuation of the 7 year learning journey for students that joined in Year 7, and also an opportunity for new students to join a highly academic Sixth Form, where outcomes and destinations are excellent.
Breadth of Opportunities
At Sixth Form we endeavour to create a curriculum that is as broad based as possible with the widest range of opportunities. Our curriculum is student-centred and meets the needs of our diverse community. We don’t have option blocks, instead building the timetable around students. Using the wide range of subject experts we offer students the choice to study up to 21 different A level courses from Art to Sociology. Most students select 3 A levels and the EPQ project and a smaller number study 4 A Levels including further mathematics.
For 2023 we have a small cohort of students studying 4 A levels where the fourth subject is one from: Art, Classics, French, Music or Physical Education.
A Level subjects currently on offer at Sixth Form include:
Art, Biology, Chemistry, Classics, Computing, Drama, Economics, Engineering, English Language and Literature, English Literature, French, Geography, History, Maths, Further Maths, Music, Philosophy, Physics, Physical Education, Politics and Psychology
Academic rigour is important and highly able students should be challenged by a curriculum that expects them to go deeper and far beyond the specifications. All the subjects we offer are rigorous academic disciplines providing powerful knowledge and cultural capital for all students regardless of background.
We passionately believe in the benefits of the EPQ project where students are taught study skills that are transferable across all their A level subjects and then design an independent topic based on an area of interest. JSTOR, the digital library of academic journals, provides resources that enrich the opportunities for higher level study with most universities recognising the benefits of the EPQ and making reduced offers.
We have recently subscribed to My Super Curricular to guide the students to the many resources that are available to extend their studies beyond the A level specifications.
We have also recognised the need for students to balance their high academic achievements alongside their personal well-being. The new BEAR programme (Breath Easy And Relax) has been developed as a weekly session focused on improving students well-being and resilience. PSHE lessons are delivered by a specialist team in curriculum lessons and during form periods by form tutors.
The impact of our curriculum is clear to see. Our students achieve the highest possible outcomes in terms of academic qualifications that see them go on to the best university courses (both in the UK and abroad.)
Most importantly our students are prepared for the next stage of their lives as young adults who are articulate, confident, reflective, cooperative and self-motivated as a result of our rich and balanced
If you require further information about Sixth Form matters, please contact Karen Handley on k.handley@fws@kevibham.org
Sixth Form Team
Mr R Russell
Head of Sixth Form
Mr E Turner
Assistant Director of Sixth Form, Head of Year 12 and Oxbridge Co-ordinator
Mrs C Ryan
Assistant Director of Sixth Form, Head of Year 13, EPQ and BEAR Co-ordinator
Mr S Middleton
UCAS Co-ordinator
Mr A Webster
Medics Co-ordinator
Mr S Shephard
Work Experience Co-ordinator
Ms K Handley
Sixth Form Centre Manager
Please see further information on each subject within the curriculum booklet.
Computer Science
English Language & Literature
English Literature
Government & Politics
Vision Statement
“Within a friendly, caring and stimulating community Five Ways will educate able young people from all backgrounds and prepare them for life.”