PTI Subject Mark

King Edward VI Five Ways School awarded The PTI Subject Mark for outstanding teaching in English & Mathematics.


King Edward VI Five Ways School have been awarded The PTI Department Development Programme Subject Mark for outstanding teaching in in English & Mathematics.


The PTI launched the Department Development Programme in 2007 to recognise and reward  school departments that develop inspirational ideas and activities which enhance the teaching of  Art, D&T, English, Geography, History, Mathematics, Modern Foreign Languages, Music, PE and  Science, regardless of their pupils’ backgrounds or abilities.


The PTI’s Department Development Programme is open to all state secondary schools in  England. To become members, school departments must demonstrate their commitment to  increasing teachers’ subject knowledge, and to furthering their students’ understanding of and  enthusiasm for the subject, regardless of their background or ability.


To achieve The PTI Subject Mark, departments have to demonstrate that they have increased the  challenge within their subject curriculum, developed their staff’s specialist subject knowledge,  developed subject-based links outside school and enthused their pupils through subject-based  activities beyond the curriculum.


Dr S N Bird, Headmaster at King Edward Five Ways School, said: “We are delighted to have been awarded The PTI Mark for our English & Mathematics department’s innovative work”


To find out more about the Department Development Programme, visit